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Career & College Promise (CCP) is North Carolina’s dual enrollment program for high school students. This tuition-free program allows eligible NC high school students to enroll in college courses at North Carolina community colleges and universities while still in high school. In most instances, students will receive both high school and college credit. Additional information regarding Career & College Promise is available here.

While Career & College Promise allows high school students to take college-level courses, tuition-free and accumulate credits that seamlessly transfer to public and private colleges and universities, students who want to pursue a technical career through our Career & Technical Education Program can earn tuition-free credits toward a certificate, job credential, or technical diploma at a North Carolina Community College.

How is CTE different from Vocational Education?

In some ways, it’s not that different. In many high schools, you can still find the same voc-ed classes that existed half a century ago. They prepare students for jobs that don’t typically require college degrees, such as child care, welding, cosmetology, or plumbing. But in important ways, CTE is very different than your grandfather’s voc ed. Many programs now focus on areas typically associated with associate or bachelor’s degrees, such as engineering or business. Because career-tech-ed classes of all kinds are increasingly seen as roads to additional study after high school, they are meant to be more academically rigorous than those of a previous generation.

What is the difference in a career cluster and career pathway?

Career Clusters are groupings of occupations. Career Pathways are sub-groupings of occupational areas with a Career Cluster. Occupations are grouped into pathways based on the set of common knowledge and skills required for career success.

What is a concentrator course and why are they important?

A Concentrator Course is defined as a second or third-level course that builds upon skills acquired in a prerequisite course. Students are strongly encouraged to become a concentrators in multiple pathways due to the crossover of skills in a variety of career areas.

What is the NC Career and College Promise?

The NC Career and College Promise (CCP) offers North Carolina high school-aged students a clear, focused, and affordable path to future success. Qualified North Carolina high school-aged students can begin their two or four year college work, tuition free, while they are in high school, allowing them to get a head start on their workplace and collegiate preparation. Hoke County CTE offers a variety of CCP opportunities for students and is completed in partnership with Sandhills Community College.

Should students participate in work-based learning opportunities?

Work-based learning such as internships and apprenticeships are excellent opportunities for students to get real-world experiences in particular jobs or career fields. All students are encouraged to participate in multiple internships. These opportunities are offered during the school year and throughout each summer.