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Student Meal Payment Information

Hoke County Schools Child Nutrition will accept payment for meals by the following methods:

  • Processed Meal Application

  • Direct Certification

  • Advanced Payment or Payment at Time of Service By:

  • Cash

  • Personal Check

  • Money Order

  • Cashier's check

  • Online Payment by Credit or Debit Card at:

Hoke County Schools Child Nutrition will gladly accept checks for the amount of purchase or for prepayment under these conditions:

  • Checks are to be made payable to the school's cafeteria

  • Only checks with pre-printed name and address will be accepted.

  • A phone number and driver's license number must be included on the check.

  • Include the student(s) name along with their student ID in the memo section.

Hoke County Schools Child Nutrition uses ChecXchange, Money Transfer System, Inc., to collect funds from checks returned for insufficient funds. Once the check has been returned, ChecXchange will resubmit the check electronically (twice if necessary) to your bank. There will be a $25 charge for returned checks.

If you have a question regarding a returned check contact ChecXchange at 1-800-208-2964. The use of a check is your acceptance of these conditions.