Voluntary Shared Leave
Policy Code 7540
The purpose of voluntary shared leave is to enable employees to donate earned leave to a fellow employee who has exhausted all earned leave and continues to be absent due to serious medical conditions.
Donations made pursuant to this policy are voluntary. No employee should feel pressured or coerced to participate. The donating employee may not receive compensation in any form for the donation of leave. Any employee found guilty of giving or receiving compensation may be subject to dismissal as outlined in G.S. 115C-325.
Administrative procedures in conformance with State Board of Education policies will be developed and made available in the Human Resources office.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-12.2, -47, -325, -336; 16 N.C.A.C. 6C .0402
Cross References:
Adopted: July 7, 1992
Revised: June 10, 2003; April 10, 2012