MTSS Department Home
Hoke County Schools Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a multi-tiered framework which promotes total school and district improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as attendance and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). MTSS employs a holistic approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize and inform student growth for all. Hoke County's MTSS framework is aligned with the North Carolina Framework for Multi Tiered Systems of Support.
This website is intended for general information about MTSS for parents and the community. Some pages are also intended for HCS educators to assist them in furthering their implementation of MTSS.
A Message from the District's MTSS Coordinator
Welcome to the Hoke County Schools' MTSS website! I hope that you find the information contained within this website useful for you and your family. In addition to servicing the needs of individual students, HCS uses the MTSS framework as a lens to make data-informed decisions to evaluate the needs of the schools within our district. HCS district personnel believe in working collaboratively with all stakeholders as One Team working towards One Goal. Our team includes students, parents, teachers, support personnel, and the community. Should you have any questions that have not been addressed on this website, please contact the school you are connected with or email me at Thank you for your support of Hoke County Schools!
Loretta Kimble BS, MSA
District MTSS Support Coordinator