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Public Notices and RFP

The Hoke County Board of Education issues this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for a wide area network (“WAN”), as that service is defined per the eligibility guidelines established by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) and Schools and Libraries Division of USAC
(“SLD”). The WAN will connect up to 17 separate buildings in the District and will be capable of speeds of 1-10 Gigabit or faster. The service must be activated on or before July 1, 2025 during the “Year 2025” E-Rate program. The District seeks proposals for three-year pricing with pricing for two additional voluntary one year extensions. 

The District will apply for discounts on the services listed in this RFP through the federal Universal Service Support Mechanism for Schools and Libraries, commonly known as “E-Rate.” Several criteria and restrictions pertinent to the E-rate program are included herein and must be met by the successful Service Provider.

Access the full RFP, here.